Short Story ⬇⬇
Before Islam, Bilal ibn Rabah was a slave to a non-Muslim rich man "Ummayah ibn Khalaf" who use to violently torture Bilal due to his refusal to denounce Islam. When Muslim rich man "Abu-Bakr" heard about Bilal's torture, he bought him from his master and gave him his freedom, Bilal then now become one of the most trusted and loyal companions that the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) appointed him as the secretary of treasure of the city "Al-Medina" and the official prayer caller.
When the Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam died, Bilal requested not to call the athan and Abu Bakr (R.A) granted him his wish! He joined the armies of Islam in their conquest of Al Sham! Few years later,he went back to Madinah for a visit. He reached there late at night and went straight to the masjid! He gave the athan that morning for Fajr prayer and what a moment that was!
When he said Allahu Akbar, the people of Madinah were on their feet; can it be him? Is it real what we are hearings? When he said Ash'hadu alla ilaha illa Allah, the whole of Madinah trembled and shock! It was when he said: ash'hadu Anna Mohammadan rasoolullah that it all came back to them! No one in Madinah could stop sobbing and crying! His athan reminded them of a person and an era that history can't repeat!
Bilal managed to finish the athan but the pain was unbearable! He never called the athan after that day.
O Allah, we make You our witness that we love the companions of our Prophet.
.. As'salam Alykum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh
way too short