MASJID (Mosque)
MASJID (Mosque) !! 👉 Beitil Allah (Allah's house). 👉 The House that unite groups of Muslims (Tabliq,Sufi,Salafi e.t.c). 👉 A place where everyone is equal (Old,Young,Rich or Poor). No special seat for anyone. 👉 A place where Allah (The Exalted) has bestowed His mercy. 👉 A place where you get the opportunity to speak with your creator (Allah) One-On-One (in Sujood). 👉 A place where Men and Women worship separately to avoid any form of distraction. 👉 Home for the Angels,the place where the Angels lives. 👉 A place where DUA (Prayers) are accepted . 👉 The only HOME you can build and get thousands of rewards/bonuses. 👉 Build a Masjid for Allah and He build for you a Mansion in JANNAH. 👉 With ONE 'Allah Akbar' in the Masjid, people stand in a straight and perfect roles. 👉 There are many of them in this Dunyah (World) , but only five (5) are mentioned in the Noble Qur'an. 👉 Masjid Al Haram (The Sacred Mosque): Also known as Grand Masjid,this Masjid...