
Showing posts from December, 2017

Islamic Story: Story Of Julaybeeb (R.A)i

The story is about a Man, w ho was poor, not only was he poor, he was a person who was very unattractive in fact, the Sahabas used to describe him as Hideous (Awful), If a person looks at him, just wants to look away. So this man Allah created him this way, poor, no status in society, and Hideous, and even his name was Ugly!  His name was Julaybeeb (Ra)  RasulAllah Sallallahu alayhi wassalam saw Julaybeeb one day and he had grown older in age, He said to him:  How are you o Julaybeeb. That was such the case of RasulAllah (saw).  How are you o Julaybeeb, and Julaybeeb said: Ya RasulAllah (saw) do you think the only women I will get is in Jannah,  Hoor-al-Ayn (Women of paradise) Insha’Allah?  RasulAllahu (saw) understood what he’s trying to say, that he is never going to be able to get married in this life.  Is he just gonna die and just hope to meet Hoor-al-Ayn.  RasulAllah (Saw) said: No, You are going to get a women from Dunyah Ins...

Why Smile Is Sunnah

Bismillah Ar Rahman Ar Raheem Praise be to Allah the Lord of the universe. Islam is more than a religion it is an entire way of life. It teaches us how to behave from morning until night and it even tells us the best position to sleep in. To some that might sound like 24 hours a day of rules and regulations but the truth is that Islam is such a natural way of life the rules become as easy as breathing. One thing that is as easy as breathing is smiling. That little curve of the mouth and wrinkling of the eyes that makes not only you but those around you feel good. A smile lightens the load and frees the spirit. Try it! See don’t you feel lighter and happier? Prophet Muhammad (SAW) smiled, often and with real joy. In fact he smiled so regularly that his smile and kind demeanour are mentioned time and time again in anecdotes and stories from his traditions. Abdullaah ibn Haarith said, “I never came across a person who smiled as much as Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Prophet Muhammad (SAW) ...