
Showing posts from November, 2017

The Reason Why Muslim Women Wear HIJAB

HIJAB The word Hijab literally means a curtain or veil and is best understood by exploring the Islamic concept of modesty. Muslim men and women are required to be modest while mingling with unrelated members of the opposite gender. The content of our speech, the way we communicate, the way we laugh and joke around, our behavior and social etiquette in general should all be transmitted to the other party in a way that attracts the least amount of the wrong form of attention. Additionally, we are required to “lower our gazes” and respect other men or women by not eying them from head to toe (i.e. checking them out). Similarly, the physical Hijab establishes healthy distances of physical contact (not even a handshake with the opposite gender!). Lastly, this modesty must also be manifested in the way we dress. In order to appear modest, Muslim women are required by their faith to observe the most visible form of the Hijab in public – the headscarf to cover our hair and full-length cl...

Islamic Story: Story Of HAMZA IBN ABDUL MUTTALIB (Radi'Allahu Anhu)

Stories have always been a great and powerful way to Learn, Understand & Motivate our E'maan (Faith). So why not learn and experience some of the Best Stories of Islam to inspire and understand the importance of our lives. Hamza Ibn Abdul Muttalib (R.A.) The great warrior and companion Hamza (Ra) was an uncle of the Prophet Muhammad(pbuh). His conversion to Islam was a sudden incident. After being bestowed with Prophethood, the Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) started preaching Islam publicly. For this reason the infidels started opposition and oppression. In the meantime one day the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was in meditation at the foot of Safa mountain. The wicked Abu Jahl rebuked him in an extremely, objectionable language and struck him. Uttering not a word the Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) returned home. Hamza (Ra) had just returned from hunting. He came to know about this incident. He rushed angrily in that condition to the compound of Kaba. Seeing Abu Jahl sitting among other leader...